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Are We Going To Keep Ignoring Biden Being Insane?
(06-30-2021, 07:51 PM)Wes Mantooth Wrote: Please don't use such a broad brush to paint such a large group of people.

I know a number of people who are rather conservative that don't care about any number of these things, save maybe transgender equality depending on what your definition of that is.  (Ex: One of my best friends from school almost always votes Republican and his wife is black, his children are mixed.)

I know it may shock some people, but there's plenty of people who vote Republican, or who are "conservative", who could give two shits about things like gay marriage. Same goes for issues like abortion. And some of these other things lsited (women's lib, multi-cultural neighborhoods, interractial marriage, etc.), it sounds like you're describing the whole lot of conservatives from 1960.

Also, the mention of "immigration"reads very similar to the CRT is equal to teaching history that I took exception to earlier.  It's seems to be a dumb-downed description of a positon, made only to make an opposing side look ignorant or their stance flawed.  Most conservatives are against "illegal immigration", and that's a very important distinction that needs to made. 

Hopefully I'm misreading this post and there's sarcasm I missed (I don't see any absurdity in examples for the left though), because reading stuff like this is so depressing.  It shows how divided everyone is.  It reads no different than someone on the right who accuses liberals (as a whole) of being for things like no police, no gasoline cars, drag shows in preshool, waiting to have a super late-term abortion for fun, and having zero sense of humor.  Neither are accurate descriptions, and neither do anything to actual understand the positions some people actually hold.

Like I said, hopefully I read this wrong, you'll clarify and I'll feel stupid for wasting my time and getting bent out of shape about the descriptions you used.

I think he was speaking both historically and in regards to modern views held with that comment.

(Social) Conservatives have been on the losing side of basically every cultural battle since this country was created.

They were on the losing side of slavery, the losing side of Jim Crow, the losing side of the civil rights acts, the losing side of redlining, the losing side of abortion, the losing side of women's suffrage, the losing side of gay marriage, the losing side of interracial marriage.

And, at the moment, they're fighting on the side that will almost certainly lose in regards to Transgender rights and Gerrymandering/voter suppression.

Time is always marching forward and conservatives take L after L but, somehow, in modern culture there's a group of people who still think that, maybe, just this one time, conservatives might be right.

It's silly.

Now, fiscal conservatives, like Rand Paul and the like, are different. They aren't necessarily fighting on the losing side of their battle. I generally agree with them that we spend way too much money federally. I just think they're approaching their battle incorrectly. They often want to cut a bunch of social programs and other aid to this country's citizens, but will strive to keep our bloated military budget intact. We'll see how all that works out.

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RE: Are We Going To Keep Ignoring Biden Being Insane? - CJD - 07-01-2021, 09:29 AM

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