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Prosecutors and Judges Need to Be Talked About More In Relation to Rising Crime
So I was reading the details that came out about the murders that occured at the Atlanta Country Club.  You can read about it here if you like:

Here are the highlights of suspect's criminal history:

-In 2016 he shot someone 3 times in the chest in a drug deal gone bad.  Investigators found a large amount of marijuana in his backpack.  He was released on bail 3 days later.  He was indicted but his case is sealed and it's not clear if it went to trial or if he was convicted.

-In 2020 he had nearly 20k seized from him at the airport after a K-9 alerted officers to his bag for drug odor.  He attempted to flee and elbowed a cop in the face.

-Less than 4 months later he was arrested again after a traffic stop when officers found 44 joints and 3,000 dollars in cash, banded together in 1k incriments.

-Later in 2020 he was arrested again after leading police on a high speed chase in excess of 100 miles an hour that resulted in him crashing.  At one point speeds reach 150 miles an hour in heavy traffic conditions.

So just to dp a quick recap...  He was indicted for attempted murder in 2016 and felony drug possesion.  In 2020 he was arrested 3 seperate times.  I'll also add that another article shows he forfeited 85k dollars in 2019, which would have been tied to criminal activity, and he was recently approved for 27k PPP loan for his manage business (maybe legit, but probably not).  Why was he still out on the streets?

So what was the end result?  Two men taped up and bound and gagged, found dead in the back of a pickup a truck.  A golf pro, who was the father of 2 young children getting shot at point blank range 5 times all because this idiot got a truck stuck on his golf course with two people he kidnapped in the truck bed.

It gets better (much worse), the same day the murders occured (before the police knew he was a suspect) he was arrested for DUI, providing a false ID (he had two fake ID's), driving an unregistered Maserati that had another cars plates (Temp tag) on it.  Guess who was let out on bond that same day?

How does this happen?  Why do I hear about so many people being in jail for simply having marijuana when this guy has the arrest record he does, and he's got a slew of other charges in there, including attempted murder?

Also, let's not pretend like this is some unicorn of a case.  It seems like almost every horrendous thing I read about the suspect has a rap sheet that leads me to similar questions.  An asian person gets beat, a homeless person stabs someone, a kid gets shot, a dad beats his kid to death, you'll often find these people shouldn't have been out on the street in the first place.

Here's a local example:  You know that shooting that occured at Smale Park that left two people dead and quite a few people in the hospital?  One of the murderers beat someone so bad they permananty disabled them just last year.  They were given probabtion.  Had they been locked up like they should have maybe this wouldn't have occured.

Look at the prosectuor in San Fran (the one whose parents are the Weather Underground murderers, and who was raised by Bill Ayers), look at Kim Foxx in Chicago, look at their respective cities and the results of their work.  Look to all of the judges who let these people walk the streets.  It's a real big freaking problem.  And people want bail reform?  They think the system is too harsh as it is?

We often look to needing more police to solve these issues, but what good does that do if they make an arrest and these people are let right back out?

People are talking about getting rid of qualified immunity for police (terrible idea, you won't be able find people to fill those jobs.  Cops can't keep lawyers on retainer making 60-90k a year, which is what they would have to do).  How about getting rid of it for judges and prosecutors?    Whoever is reponsible for this man walking the streets, whoever is responsible for these two little girls not having a father, why shouldn't they be able to be sued?  Why shouldn't they face charges?  They're responsible for 3 men now being dead.

Sorry, just had to vent.  Like I said earlier, I seem to see this all to often.  There's people in positions of power who aren't doing their jobs to protect citizens.  And not nearly enough attention gets paid to this problem.

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Prosecutors and Judges Need to Be Talked About More In Relation to Rising Crime - Wes Mantooth - 07-10-2021, 10:57 AM

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