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Prosecutors and Judges Need to Be Talked About More In Relation to Rising Crime
It appears that perhaps some aren't interested in this thread, but I'm going to post another example just for good measure.  I just read this on Yahoo. (Fwiw, I come across these types of stories multiple times a day)

There was a man in Houston, who had a lengthy criminal record and a history of mental illness, who walked into an Aquariaum and shot a husband and wife.  The husband died and the wife is in recovery.  The victims appear to be totally random, as they did not know the shooter.  In fact, the victims weren't even from Houston, they were there on vacation.

Now let's look at the suspect's recent arrest record...

Last April he was arrested for being a felon in possession of a firearm. (Note: They discovered this during a disturbance at a bar while he was high on meth.)  He was freed on bond.

Right off the bat, I'm wondering how this came to be.  You have a convicted felon with a gun charge.  I thought this resulted in 5 years minimum.  I understand this is during Covid but this the last type of person you want roaming the streets.

It gets worse.  In October of that same year, while I would assume still facing charges for the felony gun possession, he gets arrested again, this time for criminal mischeif, for tearing up a hotel room.  Does he get locked up for good this time?  No.  He's freed once again.

He was also out on yet another bond, for criminal tresspass at a fire station that occured the very next month in Septemeber.  So now we're up to 3 seperate bonds, all for a, previous to these crimes, convicted felon.  Who is setting these bail amounts?  Why is bail even an option for someone like this?

Also, this man has an arrest record that dates back to 2000, but I can't find all of these details.  The ones above all occured within a 7 month period.

Why isn't there more of an uproar about this?  Why are these prosecutors and judges not held to the fire?  You want to talk about people of power doing harm to a community, look no further than the people that allowed this to happen.  This man had absolutely no business being out of jail, and as a result a man is left dead and his wife is in  the hospital.  This could and should have been prevented.

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RE: Prosecutors and Judges Need to Be Talked About More In Relation to Rising Crime - Wes Mantooth - 07-10-2021, 01:24 PM

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