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Prosecutors and Judges Need to Be Talked About More In Relation to Rising Crime
(07-12-2021, 10:44 AM)Wes Mantooth Wrote: This was in your initial post...

"We didn't wait for a sudden uptick in crime to talk about how idiotic the system is."

I took some time in my reply in to ask about it and explain myself..

"Also, are you insinuating that people on the right are only now bringing this up to explain an uptick, but the left has been doing it all along?  Surely that's not your argument, right?  This is definitely not a new stance from the right."

"Fwiw, this isn't something I've noticed just recently, and I've explored only because of recent events.  It's something I've long known and believed; there are people out there on the streets that have no business being out there.  Innocent people suffer because of those in positions of power that fail to uphiold the law, or protect the people they're supposed to protect."

"The only reason I found this worthy of a thread right now is because the rise in crime is a hot topic, and I thought this could spur some healthy conversation.  But if you would have asked my opinon 6 months ago, or 6 years ago, it would have been the same.  It's not like a lightbulb just went off."

And this one is from your 2nd reply...

"Why it's only pissing y'all off now is beyond me"

Now you're going to come back and question my reading comprehension, say that you should have written your response in crayon, and claim you entered the conversation in good faith?  Gimme a break.


I didn't mean to imply that the light bulb just turned on now for you in particular; I meant to be speaking in general - as in my experience people "on the right" (your words; I'm talking people in general who don't normally talk about this kind of thing) have been talking more about the flaws in the system, whereas most people I usually talk to about crime in general have been making a lot of the same statements you've made here for years, so much so that we don't even bother bringing it up anymore when we talk about it.

But if you want to keep up your condescending attitude about it, I'll go ahead and just assume that you're full on upset because the light bulb DID just turn on in your head and you're upset that I called you on it, however inadvertently.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Prosecutors and Judges Need to Be Talked About More In Relation to Rising Crime - BigPapaKain - 07-12-2021, 11:44 AM

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