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Door to door vaccine push..........WTH?
(07-27-2021, 01:28 PM)Mickeypoo Wrote: Take the vax or get fired.  Take the vax or lose your income.  That is non-violent force for most people bro.  Maybe you are rich and can just quit and not have a care in the world.  A huge amount of people are paycheck to paycheck with families to support.  Also a huge amount of people are just above that level, but still could not afford to just lose their paycheck.

You can say that is not "forced" if that is how you have to parse it in your mind to make yourself feel ok about it, but in reality that is forced for many millions of people.

Forced isn't always a gun to your head, but you should know that.

(07-27-2021, 01:32 PM)Mickeypoo Wrote: The consequence of being forced by threat of lost income to take a vaccine that is not even FDA approved or has any long term testing done?

That is how the world should work?  Wow!  That is scary right there.

I've already said it earlier in the thread, but I'll post it again because you've apparently got no interest in reading the entire topic before making these nonsensical posts.

A business has the responsibility to protect their employees and their customers. If you're unwilling to fall in line with the company's public image, they're well within their rights to send you packing to find other gainful employment at a place that doesn't care if you're vaccinated or not. It's no different than wearing some company attire and acting a fool in public - if you damage their image, you're gone. If they feel having a bunch of self centered over sized children who refuse the vaccinations (despite all scientific evidence stating that they're safe and effective) damage their public image, than I encourage them to fire anyone who doesn't feel like being FoRcEd.

Nobody forces you to work. Find some god forsaken patch of land nobody owns and grow your own food and tap your own water. Otherwise, get the shot. Or die weezing, alone, and broke.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Door to door vaccine push..........WTH? - BigPapaKain - 07-27-2021, 03:27 PM

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