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Capitol Hearings: Competing Narratives
(07-28-2021, 11:02 PM)NATI BENGALS Wrote: The majority of dems were not for defunding the police. There were a couple outliers and the main stream right wing media picked up that narrative and continues to play it on repeat.

At the national level you have somewhat of a point.  However, even there a not insignificant number of Dems vocally, and repeatedly, backed defunding the police.  A large percentage of those continue to do so to this day.  However, at the local level you are utterly wrong.  At the county and city level the Democratic party 100% embraced the "defund the police" movement and in many places continue to do so.  A larger percentage of those areas have recognized what a disaster this is already becoming and are backing off, but not all.  That in no way absolves them from buying into it in the first place.

Quote:Meanwhile the self professed law and order party waving back the blue and thin blue line flags have an overwhelming majority who don’t even want to investigate an attack on our democracy that involved dozens if not hundreds of current and former LEOs who assaulted our capital after listening to various republican law makers whose intent was overturning our democratic election results and it ended up getting multiple people killed. I see the 180. Do you?

First of all, 100's of LEO's participated in the capitol riot?  Please cite any source claiming a number even remotely close to this.  As to the rest, more people died over the course of the riots during 2020, but those were "mostly peaceful".  Given that the vast majority of people involved in the initial protest did not participate in the riot wouldn't that make their protest "mostly peaceful"?  Additionally, wasn't an unarmed woman killed by law enforcement during that riot?  Don't we hear all the time about unarmed "people of color" killed by law enforcement?  Maybe we should realize that unarmed is not synonymous with not dangerous and stop repeating this inane talking point when it comes to law enforcement.

I'll leave it at this as I honestly am not trying to derail the thread.  I'd have a lot more faith in this probe if it weren't for the radically different views of law enforcement and their response by the Dems in this incident versus virtually every single other one, e.g. the girl killed in Ohio while trying to stab someone.  This extreme level of hypocrisy rankles and I'm not going to ignore it.

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RE: Capitol Hearings: Competing Narratives - Sociopathicsteelerfan - 07-29-2021, 10:55 AM

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