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Biden Claims That He Used To Drive An 18-Wheeler!
Quote:“I used to drive an 18-wheeler, man,” the 78-year-old commander-in-chief told staff, video of the exchange shows — with him clarifying that he “got to” drive one.

[Image: biden-trucking.jpg?quality=90&strip=all&...410&crop=1]

Hilarious Hilarious Hilarious Hilarious Hilarious

This dude is completely off-the-rails!

Quote:Career politician President Biden is being mocked for claiming he used to drive an 18-wheeler truck — with the White House only able to show he was once a passenger in one.

The 48-year political veteran made the claim while visiting a Mack Truck facility in Pennsylvania on Wednesday.

I'm sure the working truck driver appreciates Biden saying that there job is so easy that even he could do it, but let's look at the reality of the situation: the dude is INSANE and completely off-the-rails!

Let's look further:

Quote:But challenged by Fox News to produce evidence, a White House spokesperson could only point to a December 1973 article from the Wilmington Evening Journal that showed Biden rode in an 18-wheeler, not that he drove one.

“There is zero evidence that Biden ‘used to drive an 18 wheeler,'” tweeted the Republican National Committee’s Zach Parkinson, along with images of the Wilmington paper’s story about Biden’s 536-mile ride.

"The extent of Biden’s trucking experience is that he **rode in** a truck once, for one night in 1973,” Parkinson wrote.

“(He made sure to return home by plane though),” he added, highlighting that part of the story.

“Truck driver, coal miner, it’s all just nonsense Biden makes up because he thinks reporters won’t call him on it,” Parkinson claimed.

The White House has to be freaking out over this! The dude's mental decline keeps getting worse and worse!

Democrats and outlets like ABC will ignore this, but how can you ignore that you elected a dude that's in this much mental decline?!

Quote:When Fox News again pressed the White House that riding in a truck is not the same as being behind the wheel, a spokesperson pointed to a United Federation of Teachers post that said Biden drove a school bus in the past as a summer job, the outlet said.

But most school buses have at most six wheels — a third of the president’s claim, Fox noted.

Asked again about the clear difference, the White House did not respond, Fox said.

Biden was mocked online for the claim, with some joking that he may have been referring to his favorite toys as a kid.

Playing with his favorite toy as a kid made Biden think that he drove an 18-wheeler?!

Hilarious Hilarious Hilarious

This is what happens when you vote on emotion instead of what's best for the country: people elect someone that has no idea what's going on and doesn't have the mental capacity needed to run the country,

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Biden Claims That He Used To Drive An 18-Wheeler! - BFritz21 - 07-29-2021, 03:05 PM

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