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Missouri governor pardons couple who aimed guns at BLM protesters
(08-06-2021, 01:28 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: Ugh.  I'm not defending anything.  What I am saying is that you're basing you position on this topic on a single, extremely brief, news article.  Now, because I'm talking to you I have to explain this before I continue.  The comparison I am about to make is not intended to be a direct parallel between the circumstances of the convicted person.  It is solely being used to demonstrate how important details can, and are, omitted from this type of story.

Do you recall the case of Cyntoia Brown?

When this story first became a topic of national attention it was framed as a teenage girl killing her "john".  Who wouldn't be sympathetic to that?  Then more details emerged when the prosecutor became displeased at the one sided nature of the reported story that omitted rather pertinent details.  Details such as the man was asleep when she shot him in the head, and thus in no position to harm anyone.  Additionally, the fact that she then proceeded to rob him after murdering him.  

Now, am I saying there's this level of important facts about the Missouri case that are being omitted?  No, I am stating that we have nothing but a single article to go on, so assuming that everything in that article is pure fact and that they are telling the whole story is rather short sighted.  It may well be the case that everything is factual and no important details are being omitted, but you don't know that, I don't know that and your buddy doesn't know that.  Hence the position I've had on this subject since it was raised; I don't know enough about it to form an opinion.

Probably because most misdemeanor cases don't become national news stories? 

Why not?  Because Dill says so?  Quite the compelling case you're making.

Perhaps.  Maybe we'd know for sure if your little buddy actually explained himself instead of dropping snide hints and insinuations.  But that would mean actually taking a factual stand, which he's shown to be rather averse to, especially in this thread.  BTW, you're leaping to his defense is as predictable as it is amusing.  I am pleased he at least has one friend.

No one needs proof that news stories can "get it wrong" the first time around. 
So far that's not much of a defense for the McCloskey pardon, even if some mysteriously
hidden evidence comes to light in the other case.

Burning a pardon on misdemeanor case, where no one served jail time, is only unusual because "Dill says so"? 
National attention explains the Governor's choice? 

PS I will speak to Dino privately about snide hints and insinuations. That has to stop!
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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RE: Missouri governor pardons couple who aimed guns at BLM protesters - Dill - 08-06-2021, 01:51 PM

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