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Protests At Hospitals Near You?
(08-10-2021, 08:46 PM)treee Wrote: If you interact with immunocompromised individuals on a regular basis then you should have to get the vaccine, full stop. The bar can't really get any lower than that, yet there are still people protesting it.
Yeah, especially since the nurses have built-up immune systems, so they could be deep into it and not likely not showing any symptoms.

Then again, I think they're all in protective gear, so not sure how I feel about it.
(08-10-2021, 08:59 PM)Wes Mantooth Wrote: I cannot understand hopsital workers not getting vaccinated.  

1.) The amount of people you come into close contact with, many of whom are sick, leaves you, probably more than almost anyone else, more susceptible to catching it.

2.) I would assume most of them have actually seen, or have heard firsthand some horror stories of those who have been hospitilized.

3.) I can't think of any other job where you'd be judged for not getting vaccinated more.  Appearances, peer pressure, and social standing might not matter to everyone but I think they certainly matter to a lot of people.  By not getting vaccinated, to the point of fighing with your employer, these people are exposing themselves to all sorts of judgement in the workplace.

Fwiw, I've heard people claim that because there are people in healthcare who aren't getting vaccinated that shows the vaccine isn't safe, or people having doubts is more justifed.  ("Hey, if the professionals don't trust it why should I?")  Except this isn't telling the whole story.  If you look at the vaccine rates for people in healthcare it almost follows education levels to a t.  Doctors are the highest, followed by high level nurses, then lower level nurses, then by people like admininstrative, custodians, security guards, etc.

I'll never really understand people who are that opposed to the vaccine.  I would assume most people have received them in their lives.  And for people to believe that are government would put out something unsafe, and that countries all around the world would do the same, is like the meme of crazy dude on Ancient Aliens levels of conspiracy.
There were protestors in the video I saw holding signs that say "my body, my choice," which, like you said, is ignoring the point, which is that it keeps at-risk people from getting it.  

They can wear all that protective equipment but there's still the risk, especially if it's more than just nurses that are protesting it and some of the people protesting don't have to wear the protective equipment.    
(08-10-2021, 09:02 PM)BigPapaKain Wrote: There are idiots in every profession who can't be ****** to listen to people smarter than them.

I don't get it, either.

How the hell else are we going to get out of this pandemic?

Messages In This Thread
Protests At Hospitals Near You? - BFritz21 - 08-10-2021, 08:40 PM
RE: Protests At Hospitals Near You? - Dill - 08-11-2021, 01:16 PM
RE: Protests At Hospitals Near You? - BFritz21 - 08-10-2021, 09:25 PM
RE: Protests At Hospitals Near You? - Dill - 08-11-2021, 12:50 PM
RE: Protests At Hospitals Near You? - Dill - 08-11-2021, 01:20 PM
RE: Protests At Hospitals Near You? - CJD - 08-11-2021, 01:09 PM

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