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Ben Carson using Rap in campaign
I meant to quote the article.

Quote:Ben Carson Releases Rap Song to Woo Young Black Voters
By Timothy Bertrand

November 5, 2015

Straight outta Carson!

Republican presidential candidate and former neurosurgeon Ben Carson is releasing a rapping radio ad in an attempt to woo young black voters, The Guardian reports.
The ad will feature the vocal stylings of Christian rapper Aspiring Mogul, interspersed with audio clips of Carson’s campaign speeches. The 60-second ad is entitled “Freedom” and cost the candidate $150,000 to produce. It will air in Miami, Atlanta, Houston, Detroit, Birmingham, Alabama, Jackson, Mississippi, Memphis, Tennessee and Little Rock, and Arkansas.
The end result of Carson’s efforts is… pretty bad. Just look at the lyrics:
Ben Carson 2016
Vote and support Ben Carson
For the next president he’d be awesome
If we wanna get America back on track
We gotta vote Ben Carson, a matter of fact
Yes, he did indeed rhyme “Carson” with “Awesome.” And no, “revire” is not a word.
ABC News reports:
Quote:This new form of advertising allows the African-American retired neurosurgeon, 64, to communicate with these targeted black voters in what the campaign believes is their preferred style.
The campaign says “reaching out and talking to them in a language that they prefer and in a language that, and in a cultural format that they appreciate” is a way of broadening its appeal to the younger African-American vote.
“This happens to be a group that we feel pretty strongly is ready and prepared to start working for Ben Carson,” Watts said.
The campaign says it will pursue this medium and particularly this demographic aggressively, especially through the March primaries.
So there you have it. Ben Carson released a super weird radio ad targeting young African-Americans. If you live in Miami, Atlanta, Houston, Detroit, Birmingham, Alabama, Jackson, Mississippi, Memphis, Tennessee and Little Rock, or Arkansas—you have our deepest condolences.

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RE: Ben Carson using Rap in campaign - Rotobeast - 11-09-2015, 07:40 PM

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