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When the Government aid is delayed
(11-09-2015, 09:18 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote:

According to this website, hunger affects 1 in 7 Americans.  The map shows hunger is disproportionately distributed among the Bible Belt which suggests the most Christian among us do the least for their fellow man.

If Christians did such a great job feeding the hungry then 1 in 7 Americans wouldn't be hungry.

Oh, I agree that Christians have done a poor job when it comes to the poor and they need to do more. But doing more does NOT mean having the government do OUR part to help the poor.

(11-09-2015, 09:26 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: Bfine and you are conservative Christians and the most vocal opponents to benefits for the poor in this discussion.  You work for the Salvation Army and accuse the majority of those seeking assistance of being lazy and manipulating the system.  Review Lucie's immigration beliefs.

I can't speak for bfine, but I'm not opposed to benefits for the poor. I am opposed to SOME of the benefits that I feel are unwarranted and I am certainly in favor of reform. As to my accusations, I work directly with the poor. I'm now in my 8th different community in my 4th different state. And I've seen the SAME thing in every area: people who CAN'T work, but don't. Now, for some, yes, it's hard to find a job, but they try. MOST, however, don't. They don't look for work, even though they are able to work, because they don't WANT to work. They'd rather do nothing and collect their benefits. Now, I am prone to call that laziness, but I'm not sure what else to call it.
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RE: When the Government aid is delayed - PhilHos - 11-10-2015, 12:56 PM

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