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Biden’s Vaccine Mandates: IRONY? HYPOCRITICAL?
(10-24-2021, 11:23 PM)BigPapaKain Wrote: Because you post nonsense that doesn't even come close to addressing anything others are saying. I can't get down to your level; the amount of oxygen deprivation I'd have to put myself through would kill me. The saddest part is you're literally the only person who can't grasp what I'm saying, but much like the chess playing pigeon you continue to strut like you're so much more intelligent than anyone else.

I knew commenting here would lead to this. But I still try like an alzheimer's patient who can't remember the other 100 times anyone has ever tried to actually have a discussion with you. All of your posts are bad faith incarnate. You don't address things that demolish your arguments, and even if you do you either can't or won't acknowledge the point. It's ***** sad.

Once again, you post bullshit and insults because you have nothing to counter what I post.

Answer me this: Does a pregnant woman's body have four eyes, two mouths, etc?

If she doesn't, then it's not her body.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Biden’s Vaccine Mandates: IRONY? HYPOCRITICAL? - BFritz21 - 10-24-2021, 11:34 PM

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