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Virginia/New Jersey Governor races
I think the most interesting takeaway from VA, and it will be an enormous issue going forward, is the issue of what's being taught in public schools and how. The Dems are really going to have to find a message other than "white fragility" to counter concerns about race and how it is taught/discussed in school. In theory the idea of teaching children about the full scope of American history, and how race has played into that history, shouldn't be controversial. However, and as someone who has multiple friends who are public school teachers I can confirm, it only takes one teacher going overboard on the subject to make it a problem. I can further guarantee you that it will be far more than one teacher and the issue will reoccur across the nation. By framing concerns about lessons that go too far, or a teacher making inappropriate statements, as white people being too "fragile" to take the truth is a losing argument all day.

I said it a long time ago, the Dems have way overplayed the race card and people are sick of hearing about it. And by people, I mean people of all ethnicities. Accusations of racism are very powerful, and thus should be used sparingly and only when it's plain to all watching that its use is appropriate. That has absolutely not been the case for the past several years and we're starting to see the results.

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RE: Virginia/New Jersey Governor races - Sociopathicsteelerfan - 11-03-2021, 12:17 PM

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