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Ohio to Require Personal Finance Course for Graduation
(11-11-2021, 10:44 PM)michaelsean Wrote: When I was 18 I made $4.00 at Skyline in 1985. That’s not $15 today.

And companies aren’t responsible for what we as a country decide to subsidize. You can say they should pay more and in many instances I would agree, but not for that reason.

Your wage to rent ratio at $4/hr in 1985 in Ohio was still better than someone in Ohio making $15/hr today. That’s the disconnect I was trying to explain, specifically housing prices are a huge issue. The thing we all grew up being told was the single most important piece of personal wealth are completely unattainable for many and that wasn’t the case when many of the people retiring today started out.

Corporations have no ethics, that is why it is our duty to impart them on them via laws…such as raising minimum wages. My point was we shouldn’t be “worried” about prices rising, the go to argument about wage increases, because we are already paying the price via taxes we pay to subsidize their workforce. The fact they have setup tools to help their employees get us to pay them is simply their own acknowledgment they are gaming the system, you know what companies don’t need those services? Ones who don’t willfully know their employees are not paid a livable wage.

People need to stop carrying water for corporations. Trickle down economics are a myth. More money made by corporations stays with the corporations via stock buy backs and massive bonuses to executives. In 1965 the CEO to Worker pay ratio was on average 21-1, last year it was 351-1. Again, the gap between the average worker and the top is getting out of hand and that is coming from someone who is considered an executive. I’m simply warning people that the parallels between the time immediately preceding the French Revolution and now are not all that dissimilar.

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RE: Ohio to Require Personal Finance Course for Graduation - Au165 - 11-11-2021, 11:35 PM

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