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Deep Moment With My Old Man........
Sorry, but this is a serious post and kind of emotional, so just skip it if it's not your thing.

I posted this on Facebook:

Quote:My old man texts me and says he’s leaving town tomorrow, so he wants to stop over to chat.
I get kind of worried because usually people are ok texting and don’t want to talk to you in person unless you’ve done something wrong…….

I’m thinking “did I post something wrong or upset someone with a comment?”

Did someone say I’ve been being careless about the virus?

I realize that I’ve been too busy with the calendar to post much or comment much and, even if I weren’t, I haven’t been going out much because of the rona, and definitely not to places that are crowded where I could catch it.

After that, the only other thing I could think of is that something’s wrong with him, so I get worried again.

He shows up, walks into my place, and tells me that people have been asking him where they can buy a calendar. I’m thinking that (1) he already knows that and (2) he could have just asked me that over text, but then he goes on to tell me how proud he is of me for making the calendar and how proud he is when people talk to him about me!

(I swear that not getting teary-eyed typing this…… someone was just cutting onions in my bedroom……)

He goes to leave, walks over, and hugs me while I’m sitting in my wheelchair.

When I lived at home and he had a bad day at work or was just sad for any reason, he’d ask me to give him a standing hug. This wasn’t a sad moment, but I needed him to know how much this meant to me, so I stood up and hugged him!

My old man’s my hero!

Sorry....... just had to share!

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Deep Moment With My Old Man........ - BFritz21 - 12-31-2021, 12:03 AM

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