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Chiefs Would Be A Nice Win For Bengals
(01-01-2022, 01:42 PM)fredtoast Wrote: And not one single person ever spoke down to people who got excited about regular season wins as "accepting mediocrity".

Sure, that never happened.


Of course it did. That doesn't change the fact that when someone says "regular season wins don't matter", it's meant in the grand scheme of winning championships. I've explained this to you several times.

I can watch every game of every season, rewatch them several times on GamePass, read every article written online, watch youtube video after youtube video of talking heads and how much they like the Bengals or player x and even look back on previous seasons fondly--yet still feel that since none of those wins lead to a championship--they were "meaningless" because they didn't culminate in the grand prize. 

People are free to feel that regular season wins are meaningless the same way that fans are allowed to feel that they are meaningful. It's a perception. 

These points should be pretty obvious to anyone that's followed the Bengals, since they've won many regular season games over the past 30+ seasons, but have yet to see one single playoff win, let alone an AFC or NFL championship. 

If you're (generally) the type of person that can wipe all that away and renew that level of excitement year after year, despite the outcome of the past 30+ seasons, good for you. Not everyone can and their fanship or loyaty--or their perception of the games--shouldn't be questioned as being less (or wrong) to those that do. 

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

"The measure of a man's intelligence can be seen in the length of his argument."

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RE: Chiefs Would Be A Nice Win For Bengals - rfaulk34 - 01-01-2022, 03:24 PM

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