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I thought this had to be a joke, but sadly no. We have an idiot in charge.
(12-31-2021, 01:55 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: I think based on his wife's reaction alone  you can safely eliminate that possibility.  I said from the very beginning that the "F Joe Biden" chant was not something I was a fan of.  But "Let's go Brandon" is actually funny as it was literally created by an attempt to spin the "F Joe Biden" chant and happened organically.  It's a bit like the Streisand Effect.  In any event, I have a hard time with the pearl clutching on the left (one CNN gem stated LGB was analogous to domestic terrorism another CNN employee/contributor compared it to declaring allegiance to ISIS) when they creamed their pants over DeNiro saying "F Trump" twice on a national broadcast.  There are, of course myriad other examples of such statements about Trump that were tolerated, if not applauded by the same people complaining now.

FWIW I agree that is an overreaction by CNN, who of course sensationalizes things to "engage" their viewers. Mostly I think name calling is childish but it is a free country, do what you want. 

I was also embarrassed by the John Oliver "Drumpf" stuff. Like, it might be interesting to know what his family name once was but calling him that now to get at him somehow is so small and petty. It doesn't matter that Trump himself might be petty, people shouldn't let others define them or their emotional reactions rule political discourse. 

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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RE: I thought this had to be a joke, but sadly no. We have an idiot in charge. - BoomerFan - 01-02-2022, 10:35 AM

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