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Vaccine Mandates: Biden & Dems Hypocrites?
(01-21-2022, 11:49 AM)Nately120 Wrote: I'm not talking specifically about you.  I'm saying that it is interesting how questioning science for many has recently come up and it is specifically geared towards questioning covid and's all a bit convenient and seems rather short-sighted and self-serving.

I know a woman who believes covid is a government conspiracy and doctors are being paid/threatened to kill the unvaccinated, and big pharma is in on it, and the vaccine is either useless or will kill you and blah blah blah.  This same woman had a knee replacement about a year ago.  She didn't accuse the orthopedic surgeon of trying to kill her, she didn't say that her knee was fine and the big artificial knee lobby was behind it all, she didn't accuse the artificial knee of having a tracking chip in it, she didn't refuse medication for the pain, she didn't refuse to use a walker for a month afterwards and so on.  She also "questions" vaccines but is exceedingly accepting and trusting of monoclonal antibodies and other treatments that I'd say were sanctioned by her political party.

Question science....yes.  Be inordinately and uneducatedly dismissive of one specific aspect of science you've been specifically primed to distrust?  Meh...that is hardly the type of thinking I'm going to applaud.  There is a difference between actual research methodology and serving your own biased ego.

tl;dr - Questioning science isn't the same thing as choosing to not believe what doesn't fit your viewpoint.  Now if you'll excuse me, I need to explain to my mechanic who thinks masks make covid worse why brake fluid actually makes my car's brakes worse and my car should pass inspection because I'm sick of paying to get it fixed, I wish I lived in Ohio!

I think questioning vaccines always been a just hadn't been magnified until Covid.  Not too long ago, society was accepting (with an eye roll) of people who didn't vaccinate their kids.  

I like the way you said it though.  People are "primed" or conditioned to believe a certain thing and they'll latch onto anything that supports their beliefs (see reddit).  Though, I've never met anyone who believed there were tracking chips or 5G spread covid, or you could drink bleach or whatever and cure covid....sometimes i wonder if it's just a handful of people where the media blows it up and makes it seem like it's 10s of millions.   

Nonetheless, everyone is just psychotic about it all the way around.  I have a friend that just rages against people if they aren't prudent about masks and vaccinations but then will be like "hey are you cold?  Let me put a drop of this fun smelling peppermint juice on the back of your neck and you'll instantly be warm!"  There probably is no science for this (I don't know).  

It's all hypocrisy.  People can believe what they want to believe..i'm not going to judge them differently because their opinion doesn't match mine and the science that validates their belief is suspect to me.  
-The only bengals fan that has never set foot in Cincinnati 1-15-22

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RE: Vaccine Mandates: Biden & Dems Hypocrites? - basballguy - 01-21-2022, 12:19 PM

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