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Vaccine Mandates: Biden & Dems Hypocrites?
I never got a flu shot until I was in my 50's.  This year to be specific.  I wasn't in the "target" group that had a likelier chance of dying from it.  The people around who were all had their shots.

I also am able to stay home when I am sick.  I have a job that allows for that.  So I knew I wasn't taking a great risk for others.

Along comes covid which is more easily transmissible and killing more people faster.  No one has an immunity as it is a novel virus.  So I took greater steps to avoid people and the possibility of passing it along.  I still got covid from someone who was even MORE careful than I was. (Pre-vaccine).  We were fortunate to all survive and have it only for a short titme.

The vaccine not only limits the chances I will get it but that IF I pass it along that the next person will get sick.  And it dramatically reduces HOW sick I will get if I get it.  

I am pro-vaccine for myself and to protect others.

I know too many people who have died because they didn't think they needed a vaccine.  Some because of their politics, some because they thought "natural immunity" was better and some because of their religion.  All dead.  

Our hospitals are clogged with people who don't trust the science and doctors who then rush to the emergency room and get admitted when it is almost too late.  We have nurses in our family and my best friend is a doctor...I'm not making stuff up.  This is the reality still almost 2 full years later.

All that said if you don't want to get the vaccine then have at it.  Your choice.  Unless your job requires it.  Just like you can't refuse a drug test or break the dress code or whatever rule you signed up for.

I didn't think a national mandate would pass the courts.  And it didn't.  But that doesn't stop your job from requiring it, or a restaurant from demanding you have proof of vaccination to enter their private establishment.  I've already attended events that required the vaccination card AND masks during the event.

As to what that has to do with abortion (and I am STUNNED that no one agrees about ANOTHER abortion related topic Ninja ) the day I can catch pregnancy from someone I will consider taking a vaccine to prevent that.

Just like the vaccine is your choice, no matter where you got your information, so is an abortion.  Until the fetus is granted the same rights they will receive as citizens then the woman is making the choice for both of them.  Just like your parents made the choice to get you vaccinated when you were a baby and like they made for you until you were of legal age.

This is a dumb argument that republicans/conservative should feel bad about making based on their abortion stance but don't because they are fully aware that all they have to do is rile up the base and the base won't see the hypocrisy in it.  

But if this is the LAST time this board has a discussion about abortion rights I'll eat my hat.  Smirk
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RE: Vaccine Mandates: Biden & Dems Hypocrites? - GMDino - 01-22-2022, 12:06 PM

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