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The "Green Bay Sweep"--One Year Later
(01-25-2022, 01:22 PM)hollodero Wrote: You're right, there probably is indeed no grounding in reality. I made my assumption because I feel I got to know the GOP a little. And what I feel is different this time around is the possibility of a justification. They can do it and claim it's what all but two democratic senators wanted to do before them and hence the dems were the ones opening this can of worms. It's a popular point to make, like it was when they pushed their SC nominee through with the nuclear option and blamed it on Harry Reid. It's not even a bad argument to make and I just assume it's too good to let pass.

I can see you extrapolating the judicial appointment to the filibuster as a whole, but they're not directly comparable.  In fact, McConnell warned Harry Reid that he was setting a bad precedent when he ended the filibuster for, non-SCOTUS, judicial appointments.  Where this example really resonates with the current situation is in the argument of Sinema and Manchin, that carving out a pet exception to the filibuster will inevitably lead to ending it entirely.  I have to reiterate this point, even though I know you're not disputing it, but the "GOP will end the filibuster" talking point was obviously created to justify the major changes the Dems are proposing.  It's blatant manipulation and obfuscation and has no basis in reality.

Quote:Granted, I also assume they will do it to get some very fishy election shenanigans through, on the behalf of Donald Trump who desires to not be denied his will again like it had happened last time, and I also feel the GOP has moved outside of the democratic spectrum. Something I can not prove and that hopefully might turn out not to be the case still.

You and I both hope we've seen the last of Trump as a presidential candidate.  As for the red state voting laws, many of them are still less restrictive than blue states, even after the changes.  Why don't we hear about how Delaware is on the "Bull Conner side of history?"  On that topic, Biden's speech in Georgia was easily as vitriolic as any Trump ever gave.  Comparing everyone who doesn't agree with you to racists and segregationists isn't exactly bringing people together, but it's frequently used in today's political climate.

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RE: The "Green Bay Sweep"--One Year Later - Sociopathicsteelerfan - 01-25-2022, 02:25 PM

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