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Biden Calls Reporter A "Stupid SOB"
(01-31-2022, 01:23 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: I'm forced to disagree, actually following the law is absolutely a policy when the other side is choosing to do the opposite.  It's not even remotely confined to "not pursuing misdemeanors", it's deliberately mischarging people for extremely serious felonies.  I could give you a ten page list of the examples of this I've seen since Gascon took over and I would be scratching the surface.  We had a case in which a juvenile committed ten armed robberies, with a loaded handgun, over a single weekend.  Gascon charged him with ten counts of attempted robbery, despite all of them being "successful" and no hand gun enhancement.  The difference in seriousness between "attempted" and the actual charge is immense.  Or I could tell you about the multiple carjacker, using a firearm, who got a grant of probation, zero confinement time.

Accepting asylum seekers is a policy, but the majority of illegal immigrants are economic migrants, so your point doesn't withstand scrutiny.

I don't have a lot of exposure to LA county politics. If they're not charging criminals for serious crimes, then that's ****** up and I agree with you. Even still, what law can a Republican federal government (because you're not getting Republicans to gain power in LA) pass that would change this? And, if there is one that they can pass, I don't think they've proposed it when they were in power, so what would having them back in power change?

As far as illegal immigration, I'll concede that Republicans are much harsher on illegal immigrants. Although it's not like Democrats are in favor of open borders. Kamala literally told Guatemalans to just not come to America, if I recall correctly. Biden (or Obama before him) have not been particularly kind to illegal immigrants. Obama was known as the deporter in chief, after all. But it is my understanding that Democrats are more worried about removing illegal immigrants that cause problems (criminals) and less concerned about, for lack of a better term, "harmless" illegal immigrants that are just trying to make a living (and being hired by the corporations that Republicans are so protective of, by the way). I think the reason we perceive Republicans as more steadfast about illegal immigrants is because they are just more brazen about it, bordering on cruel. While "kids in cages" did occur under Obama, Trump made it a policy rather than exception when the parents or guardians were either not present or suspicious (as it purportedly was under Obama). 

But, regardless, I guess being cruel to illegal immigrants is a policy, so I concede that to you.

Quote:Depends on who you ask and their political affiliation.  Hell, it could be the oil companies taking advantage of an excuse to raise prices.  But we have a pretty noticeable cause and effect relationship here.  Occam's razor certainly gives us an obvious answer.

Oh, there's no doubt in my mind that oil companies (along with a bunch of other companies) are jacking up prices to take advantage of the pandemic. I don't buy for a second that these cost increases are "to keep the lights on," so to speak.

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RE: Biden Calls Reporter A "Stupid SOB" - CJD - 01-31-2022, 02:43 PM

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