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Biden Calls Reporter A "Stupid SOB"
(02-01-2022, 12:11 AM)GMDino Wrote: The GOP has never been for law and order unless the laws were meant to keep minorities in there place and the order was with them in power.

This point is so demonstrably false I'd only excuse the person making it if they were under five years old.

Quote:But it's a great talking point.  Scare people with the "them" crossing the borders and tell everyone they better have a gun ready when the hoards of "thugs" invade their towns and homes.

Immigration and crime are not the same point.  The vast majority of crime, shockingly, is committed by native born residents. While you are correct that the specter of crime has been used, by both parties, in the past to sway votes, there has never been such a clear delineation as there is now between the two parties.  All of the exceedingly bad criminal justice policies being advanced are the products of the Democratic party.  All of the garbage DA's, and equivalents, contributing to a rise in crime are the product of the Democratic party.  The vast, vast, majority of the anti-law enforcement rhetoric comes from left leaning types, including, of course, yourself. 

Quote:That's not the same as fighting crime...that's just bs to get votes from scared people.

Unfortunately, no.  I wish it was all just a political scare tactic.  But for those of us who deal with victims on a daily basis, and see the real world results of the pro-criminal "DA's", as well as, of course, the victims themselves, this is an all too real situation created, completely and without assistance, by the Dems and the far left.  I know why you don't want to believe this, because your own culpability is inherently wrapped up into such an admission, but for those of us who actually do this job, and deal with the consequences, your blatant obfuscations and distortions are just that.  Repeating it endlessly might make you feel better, but it doesn't alter reality, or change the victimization of the people who were attacked by the criminals you helped enable.

Looking at the whole post I can see why you'd want to ignore it, it definitely takes putting on your man pants and accepting some harsh truths.

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RE: Biden Calls Reporter A "Stupid SOB" - Sociopathicsteelerfan - 02-01-2022, 01:43 AM

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