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When can do away with "no knock" warrants?
(02-04-2022, 05:38 PM)treee Wrote: You can't tell people they have the right to be armed and defend their home and turn around and execute them for doing just that. If you believe in gun ownership and you believe in the right to protect your property, then no knock warrants in their current state should be against your beliefs. There is a pattern of innocent people being executed in no knock warrants.

You're ignoring some very salient points.  No knocks are almost always executed for high risk, violent, felons.  Those people have lost their 2nd amendment rights.  As stated in my post, law enforcement announces themselves as they breach.  You want a policy that they have to politely knock, wait five minutes and then knock again?  I already explained why this is a horrible idea.  There is no "pattern" there are occasions in which things go badly, which can, and does, happen in every profession.  Have you been in a car accident?  If you have then you should never drive a car again, as you've proven driving is unsafe.  Or, alternatively, you can view the accident as an aberration, an unlikely occurrence that you will strive to avoid repeating.  It seems you guys want law enforcement to be the only profession in the world in which perfection is constantly, and consistently required or things have to be done differently.

Quote:There has to be a better alternative because "oops it just happens sometimes" is not acceptable (edit: not attributing this to you SSF,  but it is a prevailing sentiment in certain segments of the population)

I appreciate the disclaimer.  However, it doesn't change the point being made.  Law enforcement is a messy business.  We deal with irrational, unhinged and mentally ill people on a daily basis.  You've probably never interacted with a murderer in your entire life, I've interacted with hundreds.  Again, I welcome discussions on how to make things better.  Question policies, but do so from a position of logic and empirical foundation.  Something that happens less than .01% of the time is not demonstrative of a dysfunctional or dangerous policy.  Medical doctors are put on a pedestal, especially of late, but they kill over a 100,000 people a year via medical malpractice.  The mistakes of law enforcement kill well under a thousand annually.  Get some perspective

Messages In This Thread
RE: When can do away with "no knock" warrants? - Sociopathicsteelerfan - 02-04-2022, 06:04 PM

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