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When can do away with "no knock" warrants?
(02-04-2022, 01:03 PM)basballguy Wrote: Although it's likely a moot point, I am curious as to why he was sleeping with a gun at a friends place...maybe someone with a concealed license to carry can answer.  Is it common to take your weapon with you when you're traveling/visiting overnight?  (I'm pro 2A, just don't own any)

If you carry you likely carry everywhere it is legal to do so, and to be honest some places it isn't. Ninja

In all seriousness, I'm a pretty run-of-the-mill carry guy. I cannot carry at work as I work on a campus that has prohibited firearms (though none of our campus cops would care if I carried). If I have to go to the courthouse, a church, or a school, then I don't carry. I also don't carry at most Scouting functions. I say most because there are times where it is appropriate. This is because of the BSA policies regarding the carrying of firearms. Otherwise, though, I carry just about everywhere else.

If someone asks me not to carry somewhere then I won't be a dick about it. I'll usually lock it up. I have been known to carry in places where there are posted signs saying not to, though. Often that is just because I am running in and out and really they do not have the weight of law behind them. They could ask me to leave like anyone else, but that's it. On days when I am not on campus I have a firearm on me the vast majority of the time but I also have a way to secure my firearm in my vehicle if I need to run in somewhere that I can't carry it.

Being a responsible concealed carry license holder takes a lot more forethought than a lot of people realize, I think. The main thing I try to keep in mind is just not to be a dick about it. Yeah, I'm carrying to protect me and you, but that doesn't mean I have the right to be an asshole about it to you.

So the tl;dr for your question really is that it would not be uncommon to have it while sleeping on a friend's couch.

(02-06-2022, 03:45 PM)basballguy Wrote: Honest question to those that know the answer:

Does Castle Doctrine apply if you aren't in your own home?

This is less about castle doctrine and more about just self-defense. You have a right to self-defense anywhere you are. Castle Doctrine is more about the idea that you can defend your home whereas self-defense is about your person. If I have someone coming towards me with a gun drawn I have a right to self-defense anywhere I am.
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RE: When can do away with "no knock" warrants? - Belsnickel - 02-07-2022, 08:41 AM

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