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Rep Candidate For Michigan Governor Urges Rape Victims To Be 'Heroic' & Give Birth
I think the whole pro-life movement is pretty sickening, but the people I find most despicable are the ones who think abortion should be illegal UNLESS it is rape or incest, in which case they think abortion should be permitted.

Like, talk about saying the quiet part out loud.

I personally think pro-life people have never been about life, but actually care about the consequences of sex. If a woman is irresponsible, has unprotected sex and gets pregnant, being forced through painful and uncomfortable pregnancy and the excruciating pain of child birth is the "cost" of being promiscuous. This line of thinking enforces the puritanical belief that sex should only be between a man and his wife.

Why else would abortion be okay unless rape or incest was the cause of said pregnancy? Is that child less of a life than a child conceived from consensual sex? Of course not. The only difference is, in the former case, the woman is "not at fault" for getting pregnant and thus, does not "deserve" the "punishment" of pregnancy.

There honestly isn't any other explanation.

The problem is, pro-choice people pointed this cognitive dissonance out to pro-life people, hoping they'd say "Oh my God, you're right. I am not fighting for the lives of unborn children, I am fighting for punishing women. I should stop this."

Unfortunately, it seems to have had the opposite effect. Now pro-life people don't even want to allow the exception that proved their bigotry.

Who knew that trying to snap someone out of a flawed belief could only push them even further into it?

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RE: Rep Candidate For Michigan Governor Urges Rape Victims To Be 'Heroic' & Give Birth - CJD - 02-07-2022, 04:06 PM

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