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When can do away with "no knock" warrants?
(02-10-2022, 08:03 PM)treee Wrote: No it's alright man I get it. It's a convenient refrain to fall back on. The 'ol "you won't agree with me anyway so I'm not gonna bother trying to engage with you". I happen to think I add value to PnR but it's clear you think otherwise.

Dude, I asked you for alternatives.  You didn't provide any.  I've explained my position on no knocks, and this shooting, in great detail.  All I got in response was "nuh uh."  Do you have any idea how many no knock warrants are served every single day in this country?  I guarantee you it's in the hundreds, at least.  How many of them go south like this one?  If you want to knock a practice, at least let's be honest about it.  This kind of thing happens less than .01% of the time, if not less.  So please explain how the tactic is inherently flawed.  Something with such a high success rate does not appear to be a flawed policy.  

I do apologize, as I stated in my edit, if the response was stronger than you'd prefer.  Unfortunately, I have to explain things like this on a near daily basis to people who decided before I even started talking that I was wrong.  So you will forgive me if some of that frustration bleeds over into here.

Messages In This Thread
RE: When can do away with "no knock" warrants? - Sociopathicsteelerfan - 02-10-2022, 08:13 PM

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