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Super Bowl on the line, and you Perine.
3rd and short has been our kryptonite, literally, all year.

As we were watching the game, I said "I'd honestly rather have a 3rd and 7 then a 3rd and 1." My wife asked me why and I said "Because 3rd and 1 makes our coaches think they can run for the first down, and they can't." She replied "They can't get 1 yard?" and I said "They haven't all year. They're not going to start now."

And then the play happened.

It was just Zac being Zac. He has been doing this shit all year. He's a great coach and a valuable asset to the team, but I really wish he'd give up play calling.

But we know he won't, so I only hope that the Oline has been what is hampering his playcalling and we fix it in a MAJOR way, this off season. I'm talking brand new Center, Right Guard, Right Tackle at a minimum AND a depth chart that won't crumble the second a starter gets injured.

Overinvest in the Oline. I don't care if you have legitimate starting talent on the bench. This Oline is going to end Joe's career if we don't take care of it NOW.

And I don't even mean via the draft. We need to do this via free agency. You sign starters in free agency, you draft the future. If you draft a player and they're good enough to start from day 1, great, but you should never go into the draft expecting that to happen. Especially when the health of your star QB is hanging in the balance.

Please Mike Brown. Please. Please invest in this Oline via free agency like never before. Ryan Jensen, Brandon Scherff and Terron Armstead. Sign at least two of them.

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RE: Super Bowl on the line, and you Perine. - CJD - 02-14-2022, 09:47 AM

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