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Apologies to all
(02-24-2022, 11:18 AM)Go Cards Wrote: Lately have been catching myself being real short with other posters and would like to apologize. Have been working crazy hours at hospital and have only taken 2 days off in last 30 and that was for the AFC Championship and Super Bowl which I really did not recharge my weary body even though the Bengals kept my spirits high. On top of this my mother has been so sick lately they even had to cancel her surgery to remove her cancer.
Anyway just have not been myself and apologize.

Know there are many ways to fix this Bengals O-line and many have offered viable solutions and who knows which are the best yet. Really like Bates and hope he can remain a Bengal while fixing O-line at same time. It is the best case scenario but sometimes feel this will result in not spending enough money to try to do it right and they will be forced to gamble on lesser players as a result. Yet Bates is a very solid player and huge part of the playoff success, its a tough call either way imo.

Yet I have all the faith in the world in what the team has been doing the last 2 years (for a change) and can't wait to analyze the moves made which will most likely trump anything Ive suggested. Usually am in full draft mode at this juncture knowing we rarely spend on quality FA but feel that has changed with the defense revamp that was so successful last off season and bengals will be major players in FA again.

Plus the FA moves will dictate which direction the Bengals go in draft and if O-line is fixed in FA they can go BPA.

If not then believe we will see as usual other teams trading up in front of us by a pick or two to take the player we have targeted and leave us reaching. Its tough to have a great draft if opposing teams know the hand you're playing unless you have one of the first few picks in draft.

There are so many ways Zac can go and am excited to see which way he chooses to steer our striped ship and sail the Bengals into their bright future. Just hope its one that protects Burrow.

Anyway blah, blah blah, sorry for the rambling and really this thread requires no response just an apology to you great Bengals fans.
Go Bengals !

No worries, it's only human to have emotions and that often means being terse and lame toward other people. We all have our bad moments in life. At least you are here to enjoy the community and talk Bengals football in the spirit of fun rather than intentionally troll by starting arguments with people or behaving condescending toward others with a patronizing superiority mindset to only cry victim when people point out it's a poor way to behave.

You're a good dude, all is well. Sorry to hear about your mother and only good vibes for you and her.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

Messages In This Thread
Apologies to all - Go Cards - 02-24-2022, 11:18 AM
RE: Apologies to all - TecmoBengals - 02-24-2022, 11:27 AM
RE: Apologies to all - motoarch - 02-24-2022, 11:28 AM
Apologies to all - BenZoo2 - 02-24-2022, 01:05 PM
RE: Apologies to all - pally - 02-24-2022, 01:36 PM
RE: Apologies to all - BengalRed - 02-24-2022, 01:43 PM
RE: Apologies to all - CloeHokie - 02-24-2022, 01:59 PM
RE: Apologies to all - George Cantstandya - 02-24-2022, 02:03 PM
RE: Apologies to all - reuben.ahmed - 02-24-2022, 02:44 PM
RE: Apologies to all - psychdoctor - 02-24-2022, 03:55 PM
RE: Apologies to all - bfine32 - 02-24-2022, 07:14 PM
RE: Apologies to all - GodFather - 02-24-2022, 09:37 PM
RE: Apologies to all - bengalfan74 - 02-24-2022, 08:02 PM
RE: Apologies to all - Shake n Blake - 02-24-2022, 08:49 PM
RE: Apologies to all - HarleyDog - 02-24-2022, 08:53 PM
RE: Apologies to all - Wyche'sWarrior - 02-24-2022, 09:16 PM
RE: Apologies to all - bonesaw - 02-24-2022, 10:00 PM

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