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Russia begins moving troops into eastern Ukraine
(02-24-2022, 06:19 PM)BFritz21 Wrote: I love how people instantly, not even one page in, start blaming Trump instead of the vegetable that's in the White House now.

Ask yourself this, though, why did Russia wait until Trump was out of office to go after Ukraine? If Trump was so friendly with Putin, he would have wanted to invade while Trump was in office so he wouldn't have to fear any retaliation.

I love how people think this actually has anything to do with any President of the United States. We are so self absorbed with politics we literally think everything is somehow related to us, it really isn't. This is a much more complex issue than who is in the White House and intelligence around this very idea has circulated for years. Putin has fantasized about re establishment of the Soviet Union in a bid to reclaim Russia's super power role in world politics.

One could even look to timing as more of a coincidence of a post pandemic world where world leaders as a whole may be hesitant to respond due to economic implications that would arise from intervention. We do know that Germany was hesitant for instance to involve economic sanctions around Nord Stream 2 because of how it would effect their economy in an already fragile state. We also know that the EU is struggling with removing Russia from SWIFT for the same reason. If the world was in a better space economically I think the response could have been different as a whole, which is why I don't think the timing is coincidental but I don't think it has anything to do with us. Donald Trump was never sending boots into a war with Russia anymore than Biden is. The only thing either ever had to use were economic sanctions and they are currently being used at about the best rate you could hope for less than 24 hrs in.

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RE: Russia begins moving troops into eastern Ukraine - Au165 - 02-24-2022, 06:28 PM

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