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Texas governor is demanding people report transchildren
(02-25-2022, 10:49 AM)GMDino Wrote: Curios if you think dating should be stopped before they turn 18?

Or if a boy or girl saying they "like" a girl or boy should be discouraged before 18 too?

Maybe their parents are just telling them they have to like the opposite sex?  

Your line about not hearing the word even once growing up reminds of one of my mom's friends who stayed in the closet all through high school and years later told her he was gay and she responded that everyone knew he was gay...he didn't have to say it.

A lot of conflation in this thread. Both this post and the tweet in your original post (which I addressed in my deleted response). 

The original tweet said that FPS will begin investigating ALL TRANS CHILDREN AND PROSECUTING THEIR PARENTS. This simply isn't true. The directive deals with sex change and hormone therapy for trans children sought after by their parents. 

Likewise, your response is equating treating dating and same sex dating as minors to sex change and hormone therapy for minors. 

In both cases, they are entirely different things. Not even remotely close. 

I think that the point of the directive, to discourage sex change and hormone therapy for minors, is a worthy discussion to have. Especially considering the major life altering implications of each that cannot be undone (or may difficult to undo) at a time when kids are still developing mentally. 

That doesn't mean that Im for outing minors and prosecuting their parents. Nor am I against same sex dating for minors. Those are absurd positions to have, and not even remotely close to forbidding same sex dating. IDK if it is being done intentionally or not, but this is absolutely not the right way to make your case or win support. 

If you want me to hear you out and convince me otherwise, let's honestly discuss the issue at hand without using hyperbole and conflation to smear those who might have a different opinion. 

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RE: Texas governor is demanding people report transchildren - StrictlyBiz - 02-25-2022, 12:11 PM

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