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Which Jail Do Transgender People Go To?
(03-08-2022, 04:10 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: I largely agree, but let me pose a for instance.  What if the non-transgender prisoners have a problem with having a female with a penis being housed with them?  Are their considerations of less importance than the transgendered person?  It's certainly a complicated issue, to be sure, but I think we need to be concerned about the rights of everyone it affects, not just the transgendered person.

I assume there are women who would be uncomfortable being in prison with lesbians. I assume there are women who would be uncomfortable being in prison with black people or Muslims or a variety of other types of people. If they took every prisoner's preferences into account when determining the make up of the prison population, I imagine they'd need 10 different prisons for the same number of women that are currently housed in 1 prison.

With trans women, they could argue that there's a greater risk that she will rape a cis woman in prison, but that would have to be taken into account when considering her appeal to enter the women's prison. If they believed that a trans woman was at a point in their transition where they'd be a threat to still rape a cis woman (the way a cis man may be able to) it would be prudent to not admit them. I am not an expert on trans women's biology, but I've heard that HRT significantly affects a trans woman's ability to have an erection without Viagra or a similar drug. So the idea that a trans woman who is undergoing HRT is more at risk of raping a cis woman just because she has a penis may be one of those things people say to scare other people into oppressing trans women. Which is why I brought up race, religion and sexual orientation as things that other prisoners may be "afraid of" due to the bigoted stereotypes of the given examples (The idea that black women are more aggressive, Muslims are violent terrorists and lesbians being sex crazy all have a similar twang of fear based hatred and bias that fearing a trans woman would rape a cis woman does).

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RE: Which Jail Do Transgender People Go To? - CJD - 03-10-2022, 09:54 AM

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