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Would you defend your country?
(03-17-2022, 10:54 PM)Nately120 Wrote: I think if Putin invaded America and promised to install Trump in a position of power, restore the integrity of our elections by kicking Joe Biden out of office, and joining with the patriots here to put an end to the corrupt Communist baby-killing agenda the dangerous liberals he'd get some support, yes.

Any foreign government that is going to "take over" would convince us that they are simply helping us cure what ails us.  Face it, a lot of Americans think this country is a shithole that has gone way off the rails and needs to break a few eggs in order to get great again.

Maybe...but I don't see us being land invaded any time soon.  What I do see are a lot of Americans who really hate each other, so I'm not convinced our ability to rally around a common cause/invader is as guaranteed as it should be.  Maybe saying that Americans want to kill each other is a bit much, but seeing the unrest in the summer, the whole 1/6 thing, a complete lack of trust in our democratic process, and people basing their perception of covid upon whether red areas or blue areas were currently suffering from it has me thinking we may already have evidence that we won't rally against a common enemy.

All I'm saying is if Putin invaded tomorrow and said he was here to install Trump, the defending American forces in my area would be pretty slim.

And keep in mind if Trump gets reelected in 2024 a bunch of liberals are probably going to start praying that someone will come liberate the USA from him...maybe Zelinsky will do it.

While I agree that there are nut jobs that would support a Russian invasion I think these crazies only exist as an extremely small minority and not something that you would see get some type of mass support in a major uprising.

I believe that even those who would support such a thing would have second thoughts about it simply because there is no scenario in which the US is successfully invaded and the world doesn't end. If the US were invaded and the enemy was making successful advances we would absolutely start dropping nukes in the event that our defensive efforts failed. Once that happened there would be no "overthrowing of the government" taking place because almost everyone would be dead.

The fear of that alone could deter people from wishing the US was invaded. On the other hand, there are crazies that would welcome a Russian invasion because they would like to see the world end and aren't concerned with government takeover. 

At the end of the day if it came down to it  I believe most Americans would try to stop an invasion of our country. 

Messages In This Thread
RE: Would you defend your country? - Stewy - 03-15-2022, 11:13 PM
RE: Would you defend your country? - treee - 03-16-2022, 02:29 AM
RE: Would you defend your country? - treee - 03-16-2022, 06:29 AM
RE: Would you defend your country? - CJD - 03-16-2022, 07:53 AM
RE: Would you defend your country? - Stewy - 03-16-2022, 09:09 PM
Would you defend your country? - Rotobeast - 03-16-2022, 09:54 AM
RE: Would you defend your country? - treee - 03-16-2022, 04:44 PM
RE: Would you defend your country? - Matt_Crimson - 03-18-2022, 07:10 AM
RE: Would you defend your country? - treee - 03-17-2022, 05:32 PM

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