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‘A get out of jail free card’: GOP bill would eliminate age requirements for marriage
(04-10-2022, 11:46 AM)GMDino Wrote: I did not realize it was that hard for you so I'll do you the favor of explaining it...again.

Explain it again? You didn't explain anything in regards to what you meant by "people need to be reminded of what the GOP did". Now that you actually have i'll address it.

Quote:The gop spends a month or so insisting that democrats/progressives/liberals are grooming children and are pedophiles or want tog o easy on pedophiles in order to groom.

In TN a bill is written and sponsored by the gop to create a special, new kind of marriage for straight people only but they also don't limit the age of said marriage.

Many people, including yours truly, thought this was bad and odd given the current gop talking point cycle.

Some, including people on this board wanted to only point out that Democrat run states also have bad laws as if that makes it any better.  To which I suggested they create a post about it or where we can discuss this child marriage laws.  But I think the real reason was just to "slam" me for talking about republicans, even though I was specifically talking about them and this one bill.

So, after some public outrage they add an amendment to change the age limit.  That's a good thing!

Most people were happy about that!

It does not, however, change what they did initially or the fact that this is still a bad bill.

Let's say someone wants to sell you a house that has a bad roof and is also twice the price that was listed.  You complain that this a really bad deal especially with price the way it is.  They come back, eventually and say it was just a mistake even though you've seen them do it before and they are still trying to convince you that there was nothing wrong with the price in the first place  They overlooked something and fix the price...but not the roof.  Do you say, well ok that's better and I totally trust you now and will buy the house?  Or do you say but you didn't fix the roof and you already tried to screw me once?  Would you continue to trust them even if they fixed one thing?  And would you never tell anyone that this place tried to screw you simply because they fixed it.

So unless you are of the opinion I should take down the thread I'm not sure what your end game is.  They fixed one of the bad things, the thing that was the initial point of the post but it also touched on how bad the bill is.  We can continue discussing that or maybe start a new thread, but that seems like a waste of time when we already have this one.

Now if you want me to praise the gop in TN for doing something they have done in the first place you're barking up the wrong tree.  Especially when the bill is bad overall too.

tl;dr the gop was accusing democrats of grooming, they wrote a law with no lower end age for marriage. The eventually fixed it but it is still a bad law that needs talked about anyway.

Have a great day.

So a couple things.

1. Your initial post had nothing to do with the rest of the bill. Only after I mentioned it did it suddenly become a taling point for you.

2. My first point dismisses part of your roof example as it relates to the rest of the bill. Secondly, the part of your roof example  (the house being overpriced) that relates to age requirement doesn't really apply here. A house being overpriced and a bill omitting age requirements are completely different things that create completely different outcomes. House prices are subjective anyway and are determined by numerous variables. So at the end of the day, what one considers "overpriced" is of their own opinion.

3. You bring up the issue of trust, and this is part of the point I'm getting to. Speaking from your roof example you seem to be saying you don't trust the GOP because "they've done this before".

Done what before exactly? 

The idea that you should trust proposed bills because you trust the party pushing them is illogical. Im sure when you buy a house you buy it not because you inspected it and analyzed it in detail but because the guy selling it to you was one of your friendly neighborhood democrats and someone "reminded you" of that.

No bill should be trusted at face value, ever. Because bills become laws and laws are what the public must follow. I'm not comfortable letting laws come into place simply because I trust the people who proposed the bill for it. 

But you feel compelled to demonize the GOP because they "screwed you the first time". Whether a bill was written right the first time shouldn't matter if the problem has been corrected. That should be a concern with any bill regardless of who wrote it and should be based on the language within the bill itself. Once corrected, you move on. No need to be divisive about something that's been fixed.

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RE: ‘A get out of jail free card’: GOP bill would eliminate - Matt_Crimson - 04-12-2022, 10:01 AM

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