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Cover 2. Isnt even worth the trouble anymore?
I was talking football with a friend and we were discussing coverages and we both just hate cover 2. Yes theoretically with 2 safeties with high IQ your cover 2 is supposed to provide deep coverage on both boundaries while also crashing deep 3rd to make a tackle if you need to. I freaking hate the idea of having to run to a ball carrier in the middle of the field by design. Idk why its just my preference. If im at corner id NEVER be a slot CB. Any time I played ball in any setting I always asked to be boundary. If I were a coach id damn near never run cover 2. Cover 3 is so much better because now youve only gotta trust ONE guy to make decisions over the middle, and that guy knows his corners are deep on the boundary so hes just gotta decide which route to take. I also think 3 defenders in the middle on pass plays is crazy in today's NFL. Id rather have the extra deep coverage body or the extra pass rush body. Linebackers these days are such athletes they can cover whole halves of the field with ease. Also teams are playing safeties in that spot more so the speed is there.

I just feel like cover 2 will die out soon as the athletes in the NFL evolve. I mean cmon weve got freaking D lienman running 4.5 40ies. WTF.

Somebody please defend cover 2, because I know its the staple of defenses but i feel like that was when football didnt have these crazy athletes. That was when teams still had fullbacks. Back when tight ends werent catching go routes. Back when QBs werent passing 50+ times a game.

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Cover 2. Isnt even worth the trouble anymore? - Housh - 05-01-2022, 11:18 PM

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