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Paul Daughtery: Doc: Zac Taylor came in strutting, without actually strutting. He was
(05-03-2022, 08:15 PM)PDub80 Wrote: Bill Burr just touched on this today when talking about the Johnny Depp trial.... There will always be idiots who believe any allegation without proof or sense enough to get all of the details before coming to conclusions. For them, just because 1 person claims something against another, that's good enough for them. Those people never apologize to the level of which they level blame and just hop from one headline to another believing anything they read as long as it fits into their preconceived biases. They are utterly clueless, willfully ignorant humans and generally go without care of being right or wrong. They just want to judge without fact and be heard....

Congrats to you both for making it onto Bill's podcast. He's talking about you.

Umm. Nobody has any idea as to if there is truth to it or not. They still ignored it. The Depp trial hasn't shown any solid proof one way or the other as far as I know. Just a bunch of he said she said. So maybe your the one Bill Burr was talking about. Not surprising you wouldn't pick up on that.

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RE: Paul Daughtery: Doc: Zac Taylor came in strutting, without actually strutting. He was - NUGDUKWE - 05-03-2022, 08:28 PM

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