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Mom Reveals How Daughter Is Being Brainwashed
The guest speaker in this art class sounds like a loon, assuming the parent is portraying what she said accurately, which isn't a given. It'll be interesting to see if an investigation into this guest speaker is done or if any other parents have this same complaint.

Unrelated side note, the host of this Facebook show sure hates government. According to him, government is never a source of anything other than agony in people's lives. It will never, ever, ever produce prosperity for you ever. Under any circumstance in any world known or unknown.

Now...this might just be me...but I think that's the most extreme stance on government's role in a country that I have ever heard. It's almost comically extreme.

I sure hope he isn't using isolated incidents of misguided people like this guest speaker to stoke fear and outrage in his followers in the hopes of electing people who will continue to weaken the regulations and safeguards that government does provide to the "free market" as well as the other benefits that it provides to people.

Of course, according to him, that's the left's MO, not the right's.


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RE: Mom Reveals How Daughter Is Being Brainwashed - CJD - 05-10-2022, 01:04 AM

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