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Paul Daughtery: Doc: Zac Taylor came in strutting, without actually strutting. He was
(05-10-2022, 08:55 AM)fredtoast Wrote: It is just the perfect issue to argue.  It is like religion.  The people who believe in the magic of chemistry and/or culture really can't point to any specific examples or facts to support their position.  They just believe because someone told them it was true.

There is really no logic to the argument that Zac's work at changing culture had any effect on winning when we saw two years of complete failure until he got the talent to win.  Then by some amazing coincidence the magic of "culture" started to have effects at the EXACT SAME TIME that we got a lot more healthy, talented players on the field.

It reminds me of the people who pray for someone for a long time but he doesn't get any better until a doctor performs surgery.  Then they give credit for the recovery to "the power of prayer".  And their only "evidence" is "look at how many people believe in it" or "even the person who recovered believed".  But for some reason almost all of them keep going to doctors and lots of people are cured without any prayer at all.

Ken Anderson noticed and several players commented on it early last season. Nobody’s arguing that the culture prompted the winning. But neither did the winning prompt the culture shift. Yes we needed to win or all the things implemented culture wise wouldn’t have worked. But the culture contributed to last season’s success. But changing the crap culture ( not everybody but overall) Taylor inherited took time to turnaround

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