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$40 billion for Ukraine, no baby formula for the US
(05-18-2022, 11:10 AM)Sled21 Wrote: Lockdowns have proven to be ineffective and did more harm than good, I'm not for ANY mandatory vaccine, and the only way this pandemic ends is naturally.

It's people that think like you and your partial information is why my Mom suffered much more than she needed to when she died last August, when she died from a failing heart while battling brain cancer, lung cancer and going blind. I know, since I don't have a link, most of you will think this is bullshit, but I don't give a ****. Honestly, I dig your posts in the Jungle but, in here, your posts read like a FoxNews bot. 

As stated in another thread, I live in Anchorage and outside of Anchorage is MAGA country(mostly the Mat-Su Valley).

She was in the ICU with 7 other patients. 8 people being taken care of by 6 very good nurses and my Mom was the only one not from the valley with Covid, which their hospital was overloaded, and was the only vaccinated patient in the ICU. Since she was terminal, after a few days of great care, my Mother was sent to the heart specialists so they could give up her bed to another idiot that thinks like you. After a year and a half of wearing masks and taking the vaccine because it was the only way to spend time around my ill and very vulnerable mother, I had little sympathy while listening to them crying "please help me" from the next rooms. Suddenly now, these freedom motherfvckers believe in science. "LIBERATE MICHIGAN!!!"

The dropoff in quality of the ICU nurses to the nurses in the heart specialists was staggering as it was now a 1 nurse to 5 patient ratio with much less knowledge and skill. It was like pulling teeth to get them to come into the room to unhook my mom from all of the equipment just so she could go to the bathroom which gave her much stress when she needed to be relaxed.

If it wasn't for the lockdown, there would have been no beds for any emergency or standard procedures. I notice this fact is conveniently and consistently left out of almost every single Republican talking point about lockdowns and vaccines. When the lockdown happened, little to no car accidents, little to no work injuries, no bar fights, less crime and, for some reason, the hospitals were still completely filled up. Now imagine, no lockdown and no hospitals available for any regular injuries. Those lives saved are never in Republicans projections because they're all about politics . . . not facts.

My Mom spent every visit to the cancer and heart doctors at Providence hospital leading up to her siezure that sent her to the hospital for good. Big problem with that seizure, though. If she had it 70 minutes earlier, she would have been in Providence, but because the Anchorage hospitals were filled with MAGAtards from the valley, my Mother was sent to Alaska Regional because the hospitals were shut off for 24 hours at a time. They inundated one hospital at a time for 24 hours and then gave them 24 hours respite to recover before their next 24 hours. Why? Because of people that think like you were filling up the hospitals. Instead of the same doctors and nurses on hand to to take care of my Mom, every doctor and nurse had to take time to read up and learn about all of her conditions while still trying to take care of other patients in the ICU.

So if my posts lately seem like I feel Republicans are nothing but loudmouth, stupid pieces of shit, that's why. "But my freedoms" to me are code words for "I'm afraid of needles but I'm just too damned chickenshit to admit it".
Only users lose drugs.

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RE: $40 billion for Ukraine, no baby formula for the US - Forever Spinning Vinyl - 05-18-2022, 01:08 PM

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