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Mass Shooting at San Antonio Elementary School
The Department of Justice has acknowledged that the "assault weapons ban" had zero discernable effect on the number of shootings.  This should surprise no one who actually knows anything about this topic as rifles of any kind account for low triple digit deaths every year, a miniscule fraction of homicides are committed with any kind of rifle.  In fact, far more people are killed with fists, knives or blunt objects every year than with a rifle of any kind.  An "assault weapons ban" besides having zero effect on gun related crime, is a ban based purely on cosmetic features that have nothing to do with the firearm's lethality.  It's a feel good sop to those ignorant enough to believe they actually achieved something.  If you doubt the above claim simply google "uniform crime report homicide by weapon type" and use literally any year to discern the truth of the statement.

It's very telling that one extremely obvious way to limit shootings hasn't even been discussed in this thread, actually enforce laws on the books.  The Parkland guy, the Buffalo shooter and the current scumbag should all have been prohibited persons based on their past actions.  That is, if everyone involved had actually done their job properly.  You want a great example of how the current left doesn't really care about this issue look no further than California.  Just this week the state legislature passed a bill that would allow schools to choose not to report violent threats from students.

This bill would take the mandatory requirement for schools to report any violent threat to the law enforcement away from schools; meaning schools don’t have to report these violent threats to law authorities.

This is "ostensibly" to reduce the bullshit talking point of the "school to prison pipeline."  I can tell you first hand that teachers and other school staff are often instructed not to file criminal charges against minority students because of "systemic racism."  I can also tell you first hand that many schools impose far lighter punishments, if any, on "minority" students.  Now CA wants to make it even easier for a potentially violent teenager to engage in threatening behavior with zero consequences.  Not only does this enable further, more serious behavior, it prevents the person in question from entering the system as a "prohibited person" who is not legally able to purchase firearms.  As usual, what the far left says they want and what they actually do are very different things.

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RE: Mass Shooting at San Antonio Elementary School - Sociopathicsteelerfan - 06-02-2022, 01:37 PM

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