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MY Old Man's Brain Is Deteriorating
Here's the deal. There is nothing wrong with your Father. Brad, and I am not attacking you and am trying to be nice, you post things about your life here, and then get mad at people who give advice, or their take on things, and then say things like "Well if you KNEW me or KNEW my Dad...." Well, we don't. Probably very few people on this board know you. Probably no one knows your Dad. You jumped all over Fred (Dammit man, you're making me defend Fred) for saying you were paralyzed yesterday or the day before. Heck, I thought you WERE paralyzed, hence why you're in a chair. My mistake, but how would I know, I know nothing about your injury? So, my take on this situation, without knowing you or your Dad, is that he is just like any other father during this F'ed up economy, he's worried about the increased cost of living. And, being the father of a disabled child, I can guarantee you, even without knowing him, he is worried about what will happen to you when he's gone. So he's evidently discussed money with you before, then he gets a text out of nowhere that you're buying round after round of drinks at the Country Club. I don't know what club your family belongs to, but I'm guessing drinks there aren't 2 for 1. Personally, I'd be pissed too. And the whole thing about him getting mad, then saying don't worry about it is perfectly normal. Anything ever piss you off then later it's not that important and you feel bad for the way you responded? I do that all the time. Your Dad is not losing it, he's being a Dad. You might give the man a break. And trust me, I've had several family member suffer from dementia. Getting mad at you for blowing money (whether you were or not is irrelevant, he was told you were) is not a symptom of dementia.

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RE: MY Old Man's Brain Is Deteriorating - Sled21 - 06-29-2022, 08:53 AM

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