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Supreme Court Rules against EPA having regulation of green house emissions
(07-01-2022, 10:26 PM)BigPapaKain Wrote: Fun fact - in no Holy book is Hell described as having lakes of fire. Most of that is from Dante's Inferno.

Not that the average American Christian actually knows that (in my experience).

Fun fact, yet again you're just making shit up.  Your "average American Christian" would know what the lake of fire is  We're gonna have to get a dedicated fact checker for you with all the bullshit you spew.  

Quote:And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone.

Revelation 19:20

It's mentioned multiple times in the bible and the general interpretation is it's a metaphor for hell.  Not that it's a location within hell.  That shit you made up on your own.

(07-01-2022, 10:00 PM)HarleyDog Wrote: The only lake of fire is hell. Wait… maybe metaphorically Cleveland is hell? Make sense to me, carry on.

HarleyDog gets it right.  
-The only bengals fan that has never set foot in Cincinnati 1-15-22

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RE: Supreme Court Rules against EPA having regulation of green house emissions - basballguy - 07-01-2022, 11:18 PM

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