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Supreme Court Rules against EPA having regulation of green house emissions
(07-02-2022, 12:24 AM)basballguy Wrote: "Here are some thing I just read on the internet that had nothing to do with the made up stuff I said earlier...oh let me add an insult while I'm at it"

I also don't know why you mention Gehenna or Hades other than probably just now learning about it....if you did, you still got it wrong.  Hades and Hell (sheol) are widely regarded as the same thing.  We're just talking Old Testament vs New Testament at this point.  

So again you're wrong.  I'll need to setup alerts for when you post so I can make sure you know what's wrong in each one.  


Let's break this down for you. I'd do it in crayon, but online limitations prevent me from doing so. Also I don't have any crayons.

Hell - described by the Bible as removal from God and His grace
Hades - the invisible plane where the dead who reject God go to await Judgement Day 
Sheol - Hades
Gehenna - a literal place on Earth where garbage fires burned constantly; a place of banishment
Lake of Fire - where everyone not in the book of life will be cast, including Satan and Death. It is a second and final death; the death of the soul if you will.

Lake of Fire =/= Hell

If this is still too complicated for you, I will direct you to Google and search 'Hell for Preschoolers'.

These aren't my observations; this is theological study done by experts in fairy religion. 

Messages In This Thread
RE: Supreme Court Rules against EPA having regulation of green house emissions - BigPapaKain - 07-02-2022, 12:41 AM

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