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Expanding the SC aka The end of democracy
(07-03-2022, 02:24 PM)grampahol Wrote: Authoritarian is the least of the problems with "god".. It's the one imaginary entity that claims to have created everything and if you don't believe it and "love" it and openly acknowledge it you're doomed to burn in H E Double for eternity, no questions asked, no appeals, no flame proof clothing, nothing. But don't forget.."God" loves you, but by god he's one stubborn SOB with absolutely zero willingness to see it any other way.. AND NEVER EVER makes mistakes..except toothaches, mosquitoes, cockroaches and a bunch of other undesirable things..Constipation, diarrhea, pointless wars, childhood diseases and on and on and on.. For a perfect being this god character sure likes to screw things up..  I'm not sure I quite trust "god" with the constitution being "divinely" inspired.  If that were the case NOBODY could even imagine a way to change the damned thing,..

This Court's majority serves as an extension of Evangelical Right. They are radical activists using their position to implement an extremist agenda; with the ultimate goal being Christian Nationalism. This involves the erosion of individual rights that they deem to be in conflict with their religious interpretations, the erasing of any lines they view as separating church and state, and the granting of favored status to anything that aligns with or serves as beneficial to their desired outcomes. 

The evangelical model has - for decades - sought to return the United States to the 1950s; a utopian era within their ideological framework where things like the Civil Rights Act, Roe v. Wade and same-sex marriage were laughable concepts. 

However, that's not the only worrisome historical invocation as it pertains to the Court's attempt to realize this objective, as demonstrated by their willingness to grasp at absurd straws from as far back as medieval times in attempt to justify decisions made in the 21st century; specifically Justice Alito in Dobbs and Justice Thomas in Bruen.

Undergirding all of this lunacy is the notion that the Constitution was divinely inspired and that the Evangelical right / Court's majority has correctly interpreted God's intended justice by first correctly interpreting God's moral edicts in the Bible.

Most reasonable people - including those who possess religious belief - would acknowledge that God, the Bible and God's morality are things that cannot currently be proven true / demonstrably verified. It's simply a belief; a belief that requires faith because it falls outside of testable, repeatable, predictive evidence; yet, we have a majority of the Court and a very vocal, determined segment of the population wanting to force the conclusions derived from said belief upon others. 

A worrisome number of our fellow human beings want to turn back the clock, erasing the progress we've made as a species in favor of outdated religious and societal concepts; desiring instead, the comfort provided them by ignorance, exclusion, torpid understanding and lack of empathy.


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RE: Expanding the SC aka The end of democracy - Lucidus - 07-03-2022, 05:26 PM

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