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Draft Sharks Says Burrow Is An Injury Risk?!
(07-08-2022, 10:41 AM)ATOTR Wrote: The OP should just search for bengals news or opinions or posts a few hours every day.  

Go to every source and message board out there.   Subscribe to it all please.  

Then, whenever someone produces a blurb or thought that is positive about the team, run here and start a new thread with a bunch of exclamation pts.   Ie ‘Titans Board says Joe Mixon has cool cleats!!!!’  Then please post the context.  

Conversely. Scour the web for any negative thoughts as well, then post them here like it’s the end of the world with all dramatic cussing and emojis etc.  Ie ‘Steve Wilbur from Fantasy Foes says Chris Evans needs to work on blocking!’

I think if you can do that 4-7 times a day till the season starts, we’d all appreciate it.

‘Susan Tanner from West Coast Pigskin thinks Drew Sample eats too much beef jerkey’
Follow up my claim that you're a message board hard-ass by being.........  a message board hard ass?

[Image: giphy.gif?cid=ecf05e4700l7wbqpp9b6tywhxs...y.gif&ct=g]

It's the offseason, so what are we supposed to do? Make up our own news?

This was a reputable site that I was giving my opinions on the validity of their material.

I saw something that I disagreed with, as is the entire point of the message board (or something people agree with), and I posted my opinion on it.

What else are we supposed to do? Go down to the stadium, sneak in, disguise ourselves as players, and get our own information?

How many other threads that people have posted links with information on the team have you posted the above quote in?
(07-08-2022, 12:06 PM)Mer Wrote: Wow! You really know how to get people to like you. We're all fans of the same team. If what someone else posts bothers you so much, just move on our maybe you should stop coming to the board all together. Brad  loves the Bengals and probably puts more time in at camps and research than 90% of the rest of us. Most of us enjoy reading about our team whether if we agree with the article or not. Besides arguments and toxicity what have you really contributed to this board?

Yeah............. I really don't get some people.

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RE: Draft Sharks Says Burrow Is An Injury Risk?! - BFritz21 - 07-08-2022, 03:19 PM

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