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Christian Nationalism; The Right-wing Addiction
(07-10-2022, 10:10 PM)Mike M (the other one) Wrote: Exactly, someone said, give a non-Religious reason about something?

"For instance - if you can give me a valid reason to ban gay marriage that isn't 'ThE bIbLe SaYs', then you have a chance. But as soon as God or Jesus comes into your reasoning, you lose all footing and your bill is ignored."

I believe I gave you one. A same-sex couple can not reproduce. Is that a true statement or not? And you didn't give it much of a chance anyways kinda skirted around it.

Never said i did, but you and the OP need to learn to respect others ideas even when they don't agree with yours. Outright dismissing theirs, means others can outright dismiss yours. 

And telling others if they don't like something to leave the country is pretty childish in my opinion. The goal is for everyone's voice to be heard and make decisions that try to respect ALL of those voices.

I didn't skirt your question - I flat out ignored it because others had answered it. Unless you want everyone to tell you the same thing - even some male/female marriages don't end in children being born either through choice or biological issues. So that point is moot and doesn't stand up to even basic scrutiny.

It's easier to respect someone's opinion when they're not coming to your door and ramming it down your throat or trying to force their religion on everyone in the country. Point of fact - I'll give you all the credit in the world if you can guess what my religion is.

I don't go around shitting on Judaism or Buddhism, mainly because I don't have to throw away their flyers every other week or see some super church's pastor rant incoherently about Jesus not returning because his parishioners haven't donated enough money. When that religion quits scamming people and bothering everyone, I'll quit shitting on it. Until then, I'll enjoy watching them play the perpetual victim card because they can't keep their pews filled.

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RE: Christian Nationalism; The Right-wing Addiction - BigPapaKain - 07-10-2022, 10:29 PM

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