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Christian Nationalism; The Right-wing Addiction
(07-11-2022, 01:10 AM)Mike M (the other one) Wrote: There is definitely some stories in the Bible that have roots based on true stories.
How true is anyone's guess. 

Kinda hard to say the Flood didn't happen, when cultures all around the world have references to it in their history. 
Just like cities being destroyed from Fires raining down from the skies, earthquakes, it has been proven that some of those cites lived along faultlines, near volcanoes, or even Meteorites falling from the skies. Cities abandoned because of droughts. These things all happened. No denying any of that from a scientific stance. I think alot of it was man not understanding WHY those things happened, so just easier to say the God(s) were punishing us.

After that, the stories are left open to interpretation. Four of us might read the same story and likely come away with four different interpretations.
As far as what Jesus/God thinks? we will likely never know, best i take away from all of it, is be kind and treat everyone respectfully and live a good life and be true to yourself and others. Anything else you take away from it, likely is what some MAN's interpretation is of some story. Guess there is only one true way to know the answers for sure, but i'm not in a big hurry to find out.

I'll avoid the temptation to delve into the flood, as I could discuss the subject for quite awhile and assuredly put everyone to sleep in the process.

You are certainly correct when you say there are factual things in the Bible. For example, real places that we can verify; in much the same way that people a thousand years from now can read ancient Spiderman comics and verify that New York was a real place. 

As to your last paragraph; that's certainly a fair assessment. Although I think it's far more likely that no God exist or has ever existed, even if God could be proven, we would still be dependent on the assertions and interpretations of men until that God decided to speak to everyone in a way that each could believe. 

I just don't think we should allow those assertions and interpretations to influence legislation. I believe we should make those important decisions based on what we all can experience and and evaluate in real-world terms. 

I appreciate the response; as you brought up some good points. 


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RE: Christian Nationalism; The Right-wing Addiction - Lucidus - 07-11-2022, 01:45 AM

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