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Christian Nationalism; The Right-wing Addiction
(07-11-2022, 02:37 AM)TheLeonardLeap Wrote: Not even religious, and I fully believe two consenting adults should be able to marry each other without any other kind of qualifiers needed.
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That said, this whole "you need science to back up your feelings/beliefs/decisions" hardline you're trying to take here is just absolutely faulty. If science was required for laws, we'd end up with genetically matched marriages partners, conceiving bans for people with extreme family histories of cancer and the like. Just sink into a terrible swamp of eugenics... the laws would be made so we'd be bred like farm animals rather than things like love, passion, connections... all things that aren't really scientific.

We believe people should marry for love. Why? Not science.
We believe that children even if they're born with special needs are precious and deserve a chance at life. Why? Not science.
We believe that marriage is between only 2 people. Why? Not science.

We believe in a right to privacy, no illegal search and seizure. There's no science to that, that's just because we don't want to be bugged. That's not science.

Governing solely by the "it must be backed by science" mantra would lead to an eradication of all languages but one. After all preserving culture isn't science, and it's inefficient to have more than one language exist. Heck, for that matter we should start invading and occupying all third world countries. They aren't using their resources or managing their land to it's peak, so we should do it for them.

We feed the poor because of compassion, not science.

We keep having rescue efforts, disaster relief, and rebuilding in disaster prone areas because of compassion, not science. Logic would dictate that it'd be better to just have forced relocation and ban habitation in areas likely to be destroyed by floods/fires/earthquakes/tornadoes.

All hyperbole, obviously, but my point remains that if you want a government governed, led, and inspired by science and ONLY science, you're going to have a dystopic hellscape.

Why you assume I think government should be should be "governed, led and inspired by science and ONLY science"?

Science is an incredibly valuable tool; the best and most reliable current method we have for investigating the reality we all experience, but it is by no means the only tool. 


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RE: Christian Nationalism; The Right-wing Addiction - Lucidus - 07-12-2022, 06:05 PM

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