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Christian Nationalism; The Right-wing Addiction
(07-12-2022, 07:44 PM)Lucidus Wrote: God is by definition supernatural. Could you provide any current method of accessing the supernatural, let alone investigating it? Until that time comes -- why should claims and assertions from a supernatural source be applicable in any way to the natural world?

However, that completely separate from claims and assertions made about the natural world. Any natural evidence, offered in the natural world can be investigated by natural means. Any belief about the natural world can be evaluated by any natural means at out disposal -- including the scientific method.

If one person tells you their beliefs are based on Klingon ideology, and another states they  their basement, and another tells you their beliefs are based on societal well-being; which of those can we actually make real-world determinations about? Which one should be given serious consideration in real-world debate, with real-world consequences?

It seems you are more comfortable making making it about me personally, rather than honestly evaluating what I'm saying. It doesn't matter what you think of me or my motives; my arguments either succeed or fail on their own merits. If you can show that my arguments aren't valid, or you have substantive counterarguments, then I'm always interested and willing to engage.

Which is funny because I never once said that God is anything but supernatural yet you seem to believe I am defending that, I am not, which makes me feel even firmer in my belief that this isn't about evidence with you, it's about an axe to grind. 

I am saying that people's beliefs are built upon many things, not all of them something that can be proven or evaluated with natural evidence or scientific method. That doesn't inherently discount them. What discounts them is when society as a whole decides that's not what we want. 

Your mention of 3 different belief ideology sources are overly focusing on the source over the actual belief. Just because something comes from a good source doesn't mean it's a good belief. Just because something comes from a bad source doesn't mean it's a bad belief. For example... the Klingons apparently have one day each year where they reflect on all of their actions over the previous year and evaluate themselves to see if they acted honorably. Meanwhile societal well-being has decided that while ~4 beers (0.08% BAC) is too much to drive, 3 beers is perfectly fine to operate a 4,000lb machine moving at 70mph. (The proper answer is zero.)

I get it, you're upset because there's civil rights being encroached upon. I agree. That doesn't mean you should broad stroke large groups of people like you're doing in this thread. That's exactly what the problem is in the first place.

Be honest Lucidus, what were you going for when you made this thread title and then immediately grouped religion (and by extension everyone who is religious, about 84% of the world supposedly) with flat earthers and q-anons, if not a hate and vent thread?

[Image: jamarr-chase.gif]

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RE: Christian Nationalism; The Right-wing Addiction - TheLeonardLeap - 07-12-2022, 08:13 PM

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