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Beginning of the end, for Obamacare?

Well, 300 million aren't paying in. If you're gonna try to bullshit me, why don't you spread that money over the total population of the globe to make it seem like even less?

Sure, you can continue to argue like someone who doesn't understand jack squat about economics, business and finance. You certainly don't need me to help you demonstrate what you are clueless about.

I'm not bullshitting you, you don't know how to analyze the issues. The number of insureds is irrelevant - do you disagree that 300M+ are getting care, and contributing to healthcare costs, whether they have insurance or not? And why is this even a debate when the goal is to insure everyone? Profits of health insurers was never a huge pot of gold, and if you feel like a sucker for believing that you should.

You can continue carrying the good liberal torch because you've drank the kool-aid about who the big baddies are causing all the problems, or you can actually learn what's going on and then maybe demand and vote for people with solutions.

Or you can continue to make senseless rants on a message board and vote for politicians who promise you they will punish the big bad healthcare companies, and then turn around and pass regulations that arbitrarily strengthen the competitive position of those same companies.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Beginning of the end, for Obamacare? - JustWinBaby - 12-05-2015, 04:32 PM

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