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Beginning of the end, for Obamacare?
(12-05-2015, 05:06 PM)Nately120 Wrote: I get what you are saying, but you're also pointing out completely elective surgery (for the most part).  The fact that Lasik has to compete with "just wear contacts" or Zoey whatshername making every woman want to have bad enough eyesight to wear glasses is part of the reason it's more of a service than surgery.  

And there's other advances, as well, with robotics and other procedures that help costs through lower hospital/recovery times.

There's the real issue that the US subsidizes global healthcare, and then there's a perception problem because sick people ultimately have to fund healthcare.  People don't think of their insurance as partly funding research and advancements for when they do get sick.  People don't understand or see the benefit of insurance they don't use.

I don't know about you, but I can't wait to screw the insurance company out of a few pennies on the dollar when I'm eligible for Medicare!  So much better and no evil capitalist eating my lunch.

I mean, gotta love these debates - the problem is the evil insurers!  But not the largest insurer, mind you.  Nope, because if insurance is the problem than making the largest insurer even larger and a monopoly is clearly the solution.  But, of course, only if it's govt run!

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RE: Beginning of the end, for Obamacare? - JustWinBaby - 12-05-2015, 05:35 PM

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